(there's alot of them)
(links are in blue so click on them!)

Its not like I want to kill anybody at the moment, but its so convincing!

Nah, this one doesn't look as convincing.

"SETHU POH PAREH NAYAI" (go and die you bloody bitch)
More like bastard in this case actually. HAHA.

... I wonder if this key holder involves turning the lock?!

I'd love one of these, even though I seldom read these days.
then there're these mutilated plants:

woah freaky.
10 worst serial killers
10 of the world's smallest things

(they're edible)

(it can really be used)

tiniest teddy bear in the world! 5mm.
10 coolest trashcans and bins

expandable bin!! How innovative.
Coolest lamp designs

hang lamp

Haha I like this one!

something different.

cool effects.
10 strangest japanese toys

some of you might have seen this before. simply GROSS TO THE MAX.
The japanese can really be perverts.
10 creative doormats

LOL. only for the ladies with dresses and skirts.

12 most creative tissue boxes

to be personalized!

nice spiderweb..
12 weirdest barbie-inspired dolls

pregnant barbie (there's a magnet on the baby so its detachable) WEIRD MUCH?!

fat barbie
12 most extremely modified people

leopard man

13 craziest wall hooks

coolest one!! SOMEBODY BUY THIS FOR ME!!!!!

first there's the lamp and now the wallhook?!

wow surrealistic.
15 most literal photos ever (like really)

baby on board



15 most idiotic tattoos

she got paid 10,000k to get this tattooed on HAHAHA.


this one ain't idiotic actually, she was born with 4 toes and a great sense of humour apparently.
15 most amazing body paintings

nice :D

wow. pretty amazing peice of work huh

this reminds me of... salvador dali. Somehow.

I laughed at this!

like the lion!
15 strangest keyboards
15 coolest piggy banks

piggybank that helps you count!
20 creative and funny toilet signs

LOL. its easy to tell which one's male and which one's female

uh, fishing in the toilet?!

talk about perverts again...

If candyland existed

candy ring

chocolate chip (LOL)

Hydrant candy!
Hope you enjoyed them!
Off to work now!
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